Bergen County Foreclosure Mediation Lawyer

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Foreclosure Mediation

The State of New Jersey allows some homeowners to participate in foreclosure mediation. During foreclosure mediation, your Bergen County foreclosure mediation lawyer, the mortgage company’s attorney, and a representative from the mortgage company will speak on the telephone in your attorney’s office. The goal of the process is to determine whether you are eligible and approved for a loan modification that will end the foreclosure process while you keep your home. Contact the Law Office of Boyd & Squitieri today so we can get started.

Bergen County Foreclosure Mediation Lawyer | On Your Side

The foreclosure mediation process can provide individuals with the ability to reduce their overall monthly mortgage payments. To use this unique program, you must first request to do so through the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. However, undertaking a legal process on top of dealing with lenders, creditors and banks can be daunting – that is why you need to ensure that you have trusted legal representation on your side. Please do not hesitate to speak with an experienced Bergen County foreclosure mediation lawyer here at the Law Office of Boyd & Squitieri to learn more about how our legal team can help you.

What is Foreclosure Mediation?

Foreclosure Mediation is a program that allows qualifying homeowners to file a request for mortgage assistance with the state that may help determine if they are allowed to stop or slow the foreclosure process. To use this program, you must be the owner of the home, occupy the home that is pending foreclosure, and the mortgage must be in your name.

Why Work with a Loan Negotiator?

If you are considering negotiating your loan with your current lender, you probably are already feeling the burden of the finances weighing heavily on you and your family. Banks, lenders, and lien holders can be aggressive in their approach to collections and can use hostile scare tactics to keep you locked into a loan that may not necessarily be working for you. Before contacting your lender, an experienced negotiation attorney can help.

When you retain the assistance of the Law Office of Boyd & Squitieri, you will gain access to a legal team that:

  • Has over 25 years of experience in helping clients in difficult financial situations.
  • Pays close attention to detail in your personal and financial life.
  • Is thorough and attentive with all cases.
  • Diligently pursues only the best course of action for clients.

Contact a Bergen County Foreclosure Mediation Lawyer

When you chose to work with our firm, you work directly with a Bergen County foreclosure mediation lawyer who is dedicated to quickly and effectively resolve your situation. Our firm understands the legal process of foreclosure and has successfully assisted past clients in obtaining a favorable resolution to their financial troubles. If you are looking to stop foreclosure or if you are interested in learning how to regain control of your financial life, we encourage you to schedule a free case evaluation with the Law Office of Boyd & Squitieri. Contact us today.

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