Revenge porn is a term that refers to the act of distributing sexually explicit images or videos of someone without their consent, usually with the intention of harming or humiliating them. This can happen when an ex-partner, a hacker, or anyone else who obtains such material decides to post it online or share it with others. Revenge porn can have devastating effects on the victims, such as emotional distress, reputational damage, harassment, blackmail, and even physical harm. If you have been wrongfully accused of revenge porn in New Jersey, you may be facing serious criminal charges. Please continue reading and reach out to a seasoned New Jersey internet sex crimes lawyer from the Law Office of Boyd & Squitieri to learn more about these charges and how we can help fight them. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What are the penalties for a revenge porn charge in New Jersey?
New Jersey was the first state to criminalize revenge porn in 2014. Under N.J.S.A. 2C:14-9, it is a third-degree crime to disclose any photograph, film, videotape, recording, or any other reproduction of the image of another person whose intimate parts are exposed or who is engaged in an act of sexual penetration or sexual contact without that person’s consent and under circumstances in which a reasonable person would not expect to have his or her intimate parts observed. A third-degree crime in New Jersey carries a potential sentence of three to five years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000. Additionally, a conviction for revenge porn may result in collateral consequences such as:
- Loss of employment or educational opportunities
- Loss of professional licenses or certifications
- Loss of immigration status or citizenship
- Loss of civil rights such as voting or owning firearms
- Loss of reputation and social relationships
- Registration as a sex offender
As you can see, the consequences of a revenge porn conviction in NJ are severe and long-lasting. That is why you need a strong defense to fight these charges and protect your future.
How can an attorney defend me?
Depending on the circumstances of your charge, your lawyer can employ a wide range of defenses to shield you from these charges. Some of those defenses can include:
- Mistake of fact
- Entrapment
- Lack of intent
- Consent
Ultimately, however, the best strategy will depend on the specific circumstances and evidence against you. If you have any further questions or you’re currently facing these charges and you need a competent attorney to defend you, simply contact the Law Office of Boyd & Squitieri today so we can get started working on your case.