There are few things worse than amassing debt that you simply cannot pay off. Whether you’ve incurred significant and costly medical treatments or you’re simply down on your luck, if you’re facing a significant amount of debt, you may be wondering what your options are. For many, bankruptcy is the best option. Though bankruptcy may seem like a frightening prospect, the truth is, it doesn’t have to be, and for many, bankruptcy is the breath of fresh air they need to move on with their lives. Depending on your financial situation, you may either file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Please read on and speak with our Bergen County Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer to learn more about whether you qualify and how our legal team can assist you.
How do I know if I’ll qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in NJ?
Only those who make less than a certain amount of money and who have a certain amount of debt can qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. To find out whether you qualify, you’ll have to speak with an attorney and then undergo the bankruptcy means test.
What happens once I pass the means test and file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Once you pass the means test and it’s determined you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you and your attorney will list your debts, schedules will be signed. From here, debts and liens will be filed with the bankruptcy court, and the process will officially be underway. By the conclusion of the bankruptcy process, your dischargeable debt should be wiped away and you should be allowed to keep most of your assets and property, including your motor vehicle, house, and more. The bankruptcy process can be complicated, which is why it’s always best to hire a knowledgeable Bergen County bankruptcy lawyer who can ensure you properly and timely submit all relevant documentation and, from there, work to secure your financial future. Our firm is here to help you today–you just need to pick up the phone and give us a call.
The Law Office of Boyd & Squitieri prides itself on providing our clients with the competent, honest, and effective legal advice they deserve. Whether you are facing sex crime charges, require assistance filing for bankruptcy, or are looking to go through the foreclosure mediation process, you can depend on us to fight for your rights through every step of the process going forward. Contact the Law Office Boyd & Squitieri today to learn more about how our legal team can help you.